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NEW CARLISLE - A record 80 teams competed in The Wiffle®Ball Championship this past weekend. Here's a look at the Top 50 Teams in the Game. Rankings reflect the entire weekend, not just the Hometown Cup Playoffs (only protected results are the final four).


  1. Cult West Warriors

  2. Maple City Magic

  3. Clutch Players

  4. Speedy's Chickenheads

  5. Super Stache Bros

  6. New Carlisle Newts

  7. Homerun or Bust

  8. Son of a Pitch

  9. Jet City Junkballers

  10. Granger Panthers

  11. Grandmother's Quilt

  12. Hudson Lake Heat

  13. G.O.M.D.

  14. Billy Goats

  15. Godfathers

  16. White Lightning

  17. Dactyls

  18. Malort! IHA

  19. Blue Ballers

  20. The Cinderella Story

  21. Warning Track Power

  22. Warsaw Whitecats

  23. Triple Crown

  24. Landsharks

  25. The Muffs

  26. American Giants

  27. Zone 3

  28. SpeedKills

  29. Wildcards

  30. ISWB Short Shorts

  31. Cleats & Cleavage

  32. Goon Squad

  33. Emery's Army

  34. M.O.W.S.

  35. ISWB Noodlers

  36. Heights Riots

  37. Colossus of Clout

  38. MC Hammer

  39. How Bout Bats

  40. Balls Deep

  41. Asian Turtles

  42. A Case of the Wiffles

  43. West Side Kliq

  44. Dirtbags

  45. Tequila Mockingbird

  46. Shake 'N' Bake

  47. Mighty Ducks

  48. Backdoor Sliders

  49. New Prairie Knights

  50. Leroy Legends


The Wiffle®Ball Championship is an official event of New Carlisle Hometown Days, Inc. Hometown Days is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to providing a fun-filled, family-oriented festival every July. The event weekend is a venue for many local churches, clubs, and other non-profit groups to conduct their biggest fundraisers of the year. All proceeds from The Championship help the Hometown Days committee in its effort to continue this summer tradition.


“WIFFLE”, the Wiffle Certification Mark and the image of the ball are registered trademarks owned by The Wiffle Ball, Inc. 

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